4k video generation
4k video generation


The XT[2] server is typically utilized as a high-resolution server with sundry third party controllers, applications and automation systems utilizing industry-standard protocols such as Sony BVW75, VDCP, Odetics, DD35, IPDP, or EVS’ AVSP, EditRec, Linx API. XT[2] series servers can withal be controlled by EVS applications:
Live Slow Kineticism (LSM) for sports engenderment, including replays, highlights editing, and analysis implements like Split Screen to compare 2 synchronized actions contiguous, Target Tracking and Painting to highlight a particular detail or provide tactical explications IPDirector:  a suite of Windows software applications designed to manage networked EVS video servers. Its applications make it possible to control multiple channels within the XNet network, as well as to log an event, to engender and manage clips and play-lists with advanced functions, among others to extract clips from a VTR It additionally provides extensive database search features.
AirBox : a Windows GUI to manage clips and play-lists with sundry advanced functions like loop playback, conditional transitions, etc.


Used EVS XT2 - XT3 For sale. Broadcast video equipment server system. Broadcasting sa for sports super and high slow motion.


EVS XT3 For Sale

- 6 Channels Fully Load ask for license included

- Super Slow Motion

- 6x 900Gb

- Open Config

- Hotswap Power Supply

- 1 Controller

- 1 Flight Case

- 3 Months RTB warranty


Price  : Make an Offer

Used EVS XT2 for sale Used EVS XT2 for sale

Includes :

  • EVS XT-2 SD/HD, 6 channels
  • 1 Remote for XT-2
  • Super motion included
  • Hot Swap Power supply
  • 3 Months Warranty


Price :  € 19,500  Condition : Very Good

Used EVS XT2 for sale Used EVS XT2 SPARE PARTS




  • XT2 raid Board complete 5x 300GB
  • CTRL Raid / XT2 HCTX
  • XT2 Audio
  • XT2+V3X / COHX
  • XT2+V3X / COHX GLK
  • HD Codec 2 Boards
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • Dual Power Supply


Price :  € 13,000  Condition : Very Good

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