The DIGISUPER 86II xs & DIGISUPER 86II TELE xs are an extraordinary field lens that utilizes Canon's incipient optical design concept "POWER OPTICAL SYSTEM" and "
-Element". By adopting this incipient technology and concept, the DIGISUPER 86 xs realizes the obligatory optical performance for HDTV, with incremented zoom ratio of 86x, ameliorated wide angle of
9.3mm while still maintaining the size equipollent to that of current SDTV lenses.
Main Features:
High Zoom Ratio 86x
High Definition Optical Performance
X-Element & Power Optical System
Optical Shift Image Stabilizer
CAFS (Constant Angle Focusing System)
Used Canon Digisuper XJ86 MKII for sale.Digisuper broadcast lens.Cameras lenses.XJ25 B4 mount. Camera lens. Second hand Digital camera lense. Professional TV broadcast cctv long focal
Includes :
2 Controllers
1 Flightcase
Price : €23.000,- Condition : Excellent
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