4k video generation
4k video generation

Sony HDC 1400R NTSC Countries

Pursuing the ultimate HD system for today and for tomorrow, Sony sets another milestone in the history of multi-format HD camera systems - the HDC-1400R - offering a broader cull of interlace and progressive formats, much more preponderant picture quality, and enhanced operational flexibility.

The HDC-1400R incorporates an incipiently developed CCD imager and DSP LSI - two key contrivances that sanction it to achieve ultimate picture performance in a variety of scanning modes. The CCD utilized in this camera can accommodate the popular interlace and progressive scan formats for mainstream broadcast engenderments including 1080/50i as well as the highest-quality 720/50P images.

The HDC-1400R camera provides digital transmission utilizing SMPTE standard fibre optic cable to transmit high-quality digital data over long distances. The camera additionally provides two HD SDI outputs and one digitally down-converted SDI or analogue composite output. In integration, viewfinder signals with characters can be output from the SDI output connector, giving camera operators supplemental accomodation.

The HDC-1400R, if required, can be operated in a triax environment utilising the HDTX-100/HDFX-100 triax adapter.


Used Sony HDC-1400R for sale. HD professional video camera. HDCU-1500 RCP-750 HDVF-20A HDVF-C730W VCT14. Low price channel. Next version of HDC-1400. NTSC countries.



  • Includes per channel NTSC Countries only :


  • Sony HDC-1400R Fiber Cameras
  • HDCU-1500 CCU
  • RCP-750 RCP
  • ENG viewfinder
  • Studio viewfinders



Price :  € 11.500,- ea   Condition : Very Good

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