4k video generation
4k video generation

Grass Valley Summit K2 Server

The K2 Summit 3G Engenderment Client is optimized for a broad range of engenderment and broadcast video applications and is the only server that fortifies end-to-end SD / HD workflows in DVCPRO, MPEG-2, AVC-Intra and H.264/AVCHD formats. With bidirectional channel control, you can expeditiously switch between record and play. Individual channels can be software configured for supplemental functions as well as the engenderment of low-resolution stream and proxy, making the the K2Summit replay system 3G Engenderment Client the most multifarious streaming server available. Controlled through K2 Dyno.

Used Summit K2 for sale. Grass Valley K2 summits broadcast video server 3G / HD / SD. Streaming server. K2summit Replay stream system. Includes K2 Dyno controller.



Includes :

  • Channel Flex Option
  • Keyboard & Mouse
  • K2 Dyno controller
  • Fully Serviced
  • 3 Months Warranty


Price :  € 15,000  Condition : Very Good

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