4k video generation
4k video generation


A modern DSNG van is a sophisticated affair, capable of deployment virtually anywhere in the civilized world. Signals are beamed between a geostationary satellite and the van, and between the satellite and a control room run by a broadcast station or network. In the most advanced systems, Internet Protocol (IP) is utilized. Broadcast engineers are currently working on designs for remotely controlled, robotic DSNG conveyances that can be teleoperated in belligerent environments such as battle zones, deep space missions, and undersea explorations without imperilling the lives of human operators.


Used DSNG KU C Band for sale. Fly away SD and HD video system for sng news van and broadcast video transmission equipment., Any Trucks, Vans car uplink. Antenna dish Vsat. Discount items.




DSNG KU C Band.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat [3.2 MB]
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