4k video generation
4k video generation

Sony HDC 1500

The HDC-1500 portable camera utilises advanced HD Digital Signal Processing with 14 bit A/D converters. It additionally incorporates an incipiently developed CCD imager that engenders images in either 1080 50 or 60 frame progressive or 1080 50 or 60 field interlace frame rates, depending on desired final system output. The incipient CCD and DSP LSI are two key contrivances that sanction stunning image engenderment in a variety of scanning modes. The incipient camera system accommodates all popular interlace and progressive scan formats including 1080/50, 1080/24P as well as the highest-quality 720/50P images.

The HDC-1500 camera provides digital transmission utilizing SMPTE standard fibre optic cable to transmit high-quality digital data over long distances. The camera additionally provides two HD SDI outputs and one digitally down-converted SDI or analogue composite output. In additament, viewfinder signals with characters can be output from the SDI output connector, giving camera operators supplemental accomodation. Furthermore, when in 24P operation, the built-in 2-3 pull-down function of the HDC-1500 enables 60i down-converted SD signals to be output on a standard SD monitor - a capability that withal minimises the flicker that generally occurs on the viewfinder.

The HDC-1500, if required, can be operated in a triax environment utislising the HDTX-100 triax adapter.



Used Sony HDC-1500 for sale. HD professional video camera. HDCU-1500 RCP-1500 HDVF-20A HDVF-C730W VCT14. Low price channel. Previous version of HDC-1500R.

  • Includes per channel :
  • Sony HDC-1500 Camera head
  • Sony HDVF-20A 1,5” VF
  • Sony HDVF-C730W  5' VF
  • Sony HDCU-1500 CCU
  • Sony RCP-1500
  • Sony VCT-14 Plate

Price :  € 9.500,- ea   Condition : Good

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