As the worldwide bellwether in extreme slow kineticism for broadcast, I-MOVIX provides camera solutions for every sports engenderment:
From 25 to 2,600 images/sec in HD resolution, or up to 1,000 images/sec in 4K, in Super Slow Kineticism and Ultra Slow Kineticism modes.
I-MOVIX offers a consummate line of products predicated on the market-defining X10 ultra slow kineticism technology.
The incipient product line emphasises modular configurability around the X10 Camera Control Unit (CCU) to suit any Vision Research Phantom camera, and any configuration can be customized to meet
performance and budget targets across a wide range of engenderment scenarios. The entire X10 product range has been optimized for upgradeability to sanction for evolving engenderment requisites and
upcoming generations of cameras.
New and used I-Movix 1000 FPS Super High Speed Camera for sale.Best Affordable Professional Digital High Speed video cameras. 500 -1000 to 2000 fps frame rate extreme slow moshen for consumer
cheapest price. Good video 1080p camera.
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